Congratulations from Nijmegen.

Boute from Belgium wrote his letter in Dutch:

Geachte Collega,

Naar aanleiding van uw verzoek bevestig ik EWD 1000 gelezen te hebben.

Sta mij toe U ter gelegenheid van dit "jubileum" (in decimale representatie) te feliciteren, alsook U te bedanken voor de regelmatige toezending via W.H.J. Feijen.

Met vriendelijke groeten,


R. Boute.


1 Comment

In English:Dear Colleague,

In English:

Dear Colleague, Referring to your request, I confirm to have read EWD 1000. Please allow me to congratulate you  on the occasion of this "jubilee" (in decimal notation), and to thank you for the regular provisioning [of EWDs] via W.H.J.Feijen. With kind regards, Sincerely, R. Boute.